Leftover chapati Laddu

Chapati Ladoo in Marathi

Yield: 5 medium Ladoos
Time: 5 minutes

shilya polyanche ladu, laadu recipe, policha ladu, chapaticha ladu

4 to 5 leftover chapaties
2 tbsp grated Jaggery or to taste
2 tbsp Ghee

Crumble Chapaties and blend coarsely into the blender.
Add Jaggery and Ghee. Mix vigorously with hands. Make 4 to 5 round shaped Laddus.

1) Some people don't like laddus made with blended chapaties. In that case tear chapatis nicely to very small pieces and make laddus out of it.
2) You can also add dryfruit powder for better taste.
3) If you want to make spicy snack out of leftover chapatis, try delicious Quesadillas from Chapati

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